Switchboard Upgrade

Proficient Switchboard Upgrade With Pacific Electrical Contractors

With modern times have come many changes to how our homes and offices consume power and how much we consume. The cost of utilities is constantly going up. To ensure that you get the most out of your home or office electricity, it may be necessary to get a professional switchboard upgrade.

Keeping costs down is, of course, only one – albeit significant – reason to opt for an electrical switchboard upgrade. Older switchboards cannot handle the amount of electricity that modern homes and offices consume. Today we have more devices connected, requiring more electricity.

What You Should Know About Electrical Switchboard Upgrade from Pacific Electrical Contractors

Modern switchboards offer much more practical functionality at a fraction of the overall cost of a traditional design. Consider the savings you are likely to make on your monthly utility bills since they distribute electricity much more effectively throughout the home or office.

  • Getting an electrical switchboard upgrade dramatically improves the safety of your home. The more devices we connect, the more under pressure these systems can be, increasing the chances of a switch failure.

  • As technology has advanced, regulations were introduced to maximise the safety of electrical systems. Most older switchboards are no longer compliant with regulations relating to the delivery of electricity to homes and offices in Australia.

  • Our comprehensive upgrade service includes the installation of safety switches to replace old-fashioned fuses, ensuring that your electrical switchboard is better able to handle the electrical demands of modern demand. When your switchboard is operating more effectively, it will also result in more efficient power usage and possibly even saving on your monthly utility bill.

What Sets Pacific Electrical Contractors Apart Regarding Electrical Switchboard Upgrade

Our team of professional electrical contractors are fully qualified, registered, insured, and highly experienced in the installation and programming of most modern switchboard systems. We work closely with our customers to ensure that we fully understand their electrical usage requirements.

  • Doing the job right the first time is one of the factors that sets up apart from the competition. We offer highly experienced technicians with complete project oversight to ensure you get the best outcome every time.

  • We understand that times are tough and competition within the market is tighter today than ever before. We provide the competitive edge by proudly providing quality workmanship and customer service of the highest standard at a fair and highly competitive price.

About Pacific Electrical Contractors

We are a proudly Australian owned and operated company, offering an extensive range of professional electrical services to private persons and companies throughout North Brisbane.

Contact us today for more information.